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Vertex AI

Formally called Enterprise Search and AI Search and Conversation, this is a data store chunk version.

Set vectorstore: vertex_ai_search to use in your application

- discovery_engine_vertex_ai_search:
vectorstore: vertex_ai_search # or 'discovery_engine'

You can use vertex_ai_search or llamaindex specified below in your Vertex GenAI apps like this:

from sunholo.utils.config import load_config_key
from sunholo.vertex import init_vertex, get_vertex_memories, vertex_safety

from vertexai.preview.generative_models import GenerativeModel, Tool

vac_name = "must_match_your_vacConfig"

# will init vertex client

# will look in your vacConfig for vertex-ai-search and llamaindex vectorstores
corpus_tools = get_vertex_memories(vac_name)

# load model from config
model = load_config_key("model", vac_name, kind="vacConfig")

# use vertex Generative model with your tools
rag_model = GenerativeModel(
model_name=model or "gemini-1.5-flash-001",

# call the model
response = rag_model.generate_content(contents,
for chunk in response:

The above assumes a vacConfig like this:

kind: vacConfig
apiVersion: v1
llm: vertex
model: gemini-1.5-pro-preview-0514
agent: vertex-genai
display_name: Gemini with grounding via LlamaIndex and Vertex AI Search
- llamaindex-native:
vectorstore: llamaindex
rag_id: 4611686018427387904 # created via cli beforehand
- discovery_engine_vertex_ai_search:
vectorstore: vertex_ai_search # or discovery_engine

To use within a Langchain app, the DiscoveryEngineClient can be used to import or export chunks from the Vertex AI Search data store.

An example for a file is below, based of a Langchain QA Chat to docs tutorial.

from sunholo.components import pick_retriever, get_llm, get_embeddings
from sunholo.discovery_engine.discovery_engine_client import DiscoveryEngineClient
from sunholo.utils.gcp_project import get_gcp_project
from sunholo.utils.parsers import escape_braces

def vac(question: str, vector_name, chat_history=[], **kwargs):

llm = get_llm(vector_name)
embeddings = get_embeddings(vector_name)
retriever = pick_retriever(vector_name, embeddings=embeddings)
intro_prompt = load_prompt_from_yaml("intro", prefix=vector_name)

# create data store client, that has the vector_name VAC as its id
de = DiscoveryEngineClient(vector_name, project_id=get_gcp_project())

chunks = de.get_chunks(question)
chunk_prompt = intro_prompt.format(context=chunks)

# we stuff chunks into a langchain prompt that may contain { }
# so use escape_braces() so it doesn't break langchain promptTemplate
chunked_prompt = escape_braces(chunk_prompt) + "\n{context}\nQuestion:{input}\nYour Answer:\n"

message_tuples = [
("system", "You are an assistant bot who is very helpful in your answers"),
("human", {"type": "text", "text": chunked_prompt})

prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(message_tuples)

summarise_prompt = PromptTemplate.from_template(load_prompt_from_yaml("summarise", prefix=vector_name))

question_answer_chain = create_stuff_documents_chain(llm, prompt)
history_aware_retriever = create_history_aware_retriever(
llm, retriever, summarise_prompt

chain = create_retrieval_chain(history_aware_retriever, question_answer_chain)

response = chain.invoke({"input": question, "chat_history": chat_history})

return {"answer": response}

LlamaIndex on Vertex AI

To use Llama Index on Vertex AI, set it as a memory within your vacConfig file.

Set vectorstore: llamaindex

- llamaindex-native:
vectorstore: llamaindex
rag_id: 4611686018427387904

See above for code calling your data for RAG.

Vertex Model Garden

To use GenAI model's deployed to Vertex Model Garden, you can set your 'llm' config and supply an endpoint_id

llm: model_garden
project_id: model_garden_project
endpoint_id: 12345678
location: europe-west1
Sunholo Multivac

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