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Source: sunholo/utils/



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  • init(self, vector_name: str)
    • Initialize the ConfigManager with a vector name. Requires a local config/ folder holding your configuration files or the env var VAC_CONFIG_FOLDER to be set.

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Args: vector_name (str): The name of the vector in the configuration files.


# Usage example:
config = ConfigManager("my_vac")
agent = config.vacConfig("agent")
  • _check_and_reload_configs(self)

    • Check if configurations are older than 5 minutes and reload if necessary.
  • _load_configs_from_folder(self, folder)

    • Load all configuration files from a specific folder into a dictionary.

Args: folder (str): The path of the folder to load configurations from.

Returns: dict: A dictionary of configurations grouped by their 'kind' key.

  • _merge_dicts(self, dict1, dict2)
    • Recursively merge two dictionaries. Local values in dict2 will overwrite global values in dict1.

Args: dict1 (dict): The global dictionary. dict2 (dict): The local dictionary.

Returns: dict: The merged dictionary.

  • _reload_config_file(self, config_file, filename, is_local=False)
    • Helper function to load a config file and update the cache.

Args: config_file (str): The path to the configuration file. filename (str): The name of the configuration file. is_local (bool): Indicates if the config file is from the local folder.

Returns: dict: The loaded configuration.

  • agentConfig(self, key: str)
    • Fetch a key from 'agentConfig' kind configuration.

Args: key (str): The key to fetch from the configuration.

Returns: str: The value associated with the specified key.

  • load_all_configs(self)
    • Load all configuration files from the specified directories into a dictionary. Caching is used to avoid reloading files within a 5-minute window.

Returns: dict: A dictionary of configurations grouped by their 'kind' key.

  • promptConfig(self, key: str)
    • Fetch a key from 'promptConfig' kind configuration.

Args: key (str): The key to fetch from the configuration.

Returns: str: The value associated with the specified key.

  • vacConfig(self, key: str)
    • Fetch a key from 'vacConfig' kind configuration.

Args: key (str): The key to fetch from the configuration.

Returns: str: The value associated with the specified key.

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