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Source: sunholo/pubsub/



Creates a new PubSub topic is necessary and sends pubsub messages to it

  • init(self, memory_namespace: str, pubsub_topic: str = None, project_id: str = None, verbose: bool = False)

    • Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
  • _callback(self, future)

    • No docstring available.
  • _create_pubsub_topic_if_not_exists(self)

    • Creates the Pub/Sub topic if it doesn't already exist.
  • create_subscription(self, subscription_name: str, push_endpoint: str)

    • Create a new subscription to the PubSub topic
  • publish_message(self, message: str, verbose=False)

    • Publishes the given data to Google Pub/Sub.
  • subscription_exists(self, subscription_name: str)

    • No docstring available.
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