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Source: sunholo/database/



A class to manage interactions with an AlloyDB instance.

Example Usage:

client = AlloyDBClient(

# Create a database
client.execute_sql("CREATE DATABASE my_database")

# Execute other SQL statements
client.execute_sql("CREATE TABLE my_table (id INT, name VARCHAR(50))")
  • init(self, project_id: str, region: str, cluster_name: str, instance_name: str, user: str, password=None, db='postgres')
    • Initializes the AlloyDB client.
  • project_id (str): GCP project ID where the AlloyDB instance resides.
  • region (str): The region where the AlloyDB instance is located.
  • cluster_name (str): The name of the AlloyDB cluster.
  • instance_name (str): The name of the AlloyDB instance.
  • user (str): The database user name.
  • password (str): The database user's password.
  • db_name (str): The name of the database.
  • _and_or_ilike(sources, search_type='OR', operator='ILIKE')

    • No docstring available.
  • _build_instance_uri(self, project_id, region, cluster_name, instance_name)

    • No docstring available.
  • _create_engine(self, inst_uri, user, password, db)

    • No docstring available.
  • create_database(self, database_name)

    • No docstring available.
  • create_docstore_table(self, vector_name: str, users)

    • No docstring available.
  • create_schema(self, schema_name='public')

    • No docstring available.
  • create_tables(self, vector_name, users)

    • No docstring available.
  • create_vectorstore_table(self, vector_name: str, users)

    • No docstring available.
  • delete_sources_from_alloydb(self, sources, vector_name)

    • Deletes from both vectorstore and docstore
  • execute_sql(self, sql_statement)

    • Executes a given SQL statement with error handling.
  • sql_statement (str): The SQL statement to execute.
  • Returns: The result of the execution, if any.
  • fetch_owners(self)

    • No docstring available.
  • grant_schema_permissions(self, schema_name, users)

    • No docstring available.
  • grant_table_permissions(self, table_name, users)

    • No docstring available.
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